Interlibrary Loan Information

What is Interlibrary Loan?

A free service for borrowing materials that are not owned by Ingram Library. If you are a 在线博彩 faculty or staff member, you may also request articles from books and journals owned by the library.

When do I use it?

Interlibrary loan is reserved for books not available through University System libraries, journal articles, and other items unavailable for loan through GIL Express (such as reference materials and a/v items).

Who can use it?

All currently enrolled 在线博彩 students, faculty (active and emeritus), and staff.

How long does it take?

The average turnaround time is 8 working days, often less for articles. Please allow us enough time to process your request & receive the item. You will be notified by email when your items arrive. Books for students are held at the Circulation Desk. Books for faculty and staff are sent through campus mail. Articles are delivered to your ILLiad account.